Livingston County Environmental Association

Protecting The Health, Welfare and Natural Resources of Livingston County





Amazing Things we do

Since 2003 the Livingston County Environmental Association has been working to protect the health, welfare and natural resources of Livingston County, here in the heart of Central Illinois. Our environment includes some of the richest agricultural soils in the world. The terrain is amazingly flat, creating a wide open landscape that stretches out for miles under a big sky. Night or day, these vast prairie vistas remind us of both the beauty and value of our local ecosystem. LCEA strives to protect this environment and the people who live here. We do this by identifying, studying and pursuing the environmental challenges and opportunities that affect our communities. Everyone can do their part to protect our natural environment. Please join us to help protect the health, welfare and natural resources of Livingston County!

Latest Blog Post

  • 2005 LCEA Cancer Study
    In 2005 LCEA commissioned and paid for a study by the Epidemiology Department of the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Peter Moschovitz, then a candidate for the degrees of Master of Public Health at UIC and Medical Doctor at University of Chicago conducted the research under the supervision …

    2005 LCEA Cancer Study Read More »

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environmental complaints

Landfill Complaints

The landfill’s permit requires it to control gases so that odors NEVER go off their property so…

If you smell the landfill,


Call the landfill inspector:

Dustin Burger, Illinois EPA
(217) 278-5827

Or contact them electronically:

Citizen Pollution Complaint

Wind Farm Complaints

Iberdola and subsidiaries:

(866) 586-6048

Gamesa Minonk Wind Farm:

(888) 675-9002